Giving To God’s Work
St Patrick’s Broughshane aims to be a growing church and reach out to the local community in line with our vision statement: ‘People that share God’s love with the community’. Thank you for your support, whatever form it takes – we value and appreciate your contributions and could not function without your regular, committed giving.
We are very aware of parishioners who now cannot afford to give, or maybe cannot afford to commit in the way they have done. If you are in this position, then please do not feel any pressure to support us financially. In fact we would ask you to get in touch with Rev Andrew Campbell confidentially who will be more than happy to help you in your current situation.
Ways to Give
If you can give, and would like to give, here are some ways in which this can currently be done.
Freewill Offering Envelopes
If you would like to start giving in this way, please speak to the Rector or a Churchwarden. These are ordered once a year for the following year and we are currently asking parishioners to ‘opt-in’ each year if they have not used their envelopes in the previous year.
Standing Orders
You can set up a standing order via online banking or by completing a standing order form instructing your bank to make a payment for whatever amount and frequency you choose. You are in full control of the standing order and can amend it at any point by contacting your bank.
Download the form here.
Here is the information required:
Sort Code: 98-02-90
Account Number: 12049047
Bank Name: Ulster Bank
Reference: Please use your full name as the reference so we know who the donation is from
Here are some of the advantages.
• It is free to set up and reduces stress finding the cash to put in the envelopes!
• It helps the church to budget and manages its finances more effectively
• It reduces volunteer time needed in the administration of freewill offering envelopes
• It minimises the risks of cash banking and reduces bank charges
• It cuts stationery costs, and it is ‘greener.’
• It improves the regularity and consistency of church income (any frequency can be arranged)
• Bank statements provide an independent audit trail for the Inland Revenue
The Building Fund
The Building Fund meets any major projects undertaken to maintain or upgrade the buildings St Patrick’s Parish Church owns, the church itself, the parish hall and the Rectory. Please consider giving to this particular fund on a regular basis.
Download the form here.
One-off Donations
These can be made by using the one-off donation envelopes in the pews if you are attending church in person – there is a gift aid declaration printed on the front, if this applies.
Just Giving
You can also make secure online donations on our Just Giving page.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider completing a Gift Aid form. You can download this form below or tick the box on the Just Giving page.
It is completely free to you, but it allows St Patrick’s Broughshane, which is a registered charity (No: 103137), to claim an additional 25% of what is given from the Government. This can be posted to the Gift Aid Administrator (7 Rectory Meadow, Broughshane, BT42 4LG).
Thank You
We want to thank you for your continued support to the parish. If you have any questions about giving, please feel free to contact Revd Dr Andrew Campbell or Sarah Gamble (Treasurer)